Thebes Consultancy

Your leading legal and regulatory consulting firm in the Arab world.
Our Clients

Our Services

Empowering your firm to navigate complex regulatory waters and stay ahead of legal developments in your sector.

Regulatory Consulting

We provide research and advisory services for our clients to develop legislative and regulatory reform projects.

Egypt Legal Update

We publish weekly updates on the latest regulatory and legal changes in Egypt and their impact on businesses.

Governance & Compliance

We equip our clients with the tools, information, and skills to meet the requirements and standards of compliance.

Legal Training

We offer trainings to company and institutions executives on the important laws and regulations affecting their business.


I have been a recipient of the Egypt Legal Update for some time now. I find the updates very informative and appreciate the simple way they are written. Putting legal issues and frameworks into context and perspective gives us a more granular picture of issues at hand. Accordingly, the Egypt Legal Update is widely read by CIB management and staff.

Hisham Ezz Al-Arab, Former Chairman & Managing Director

The Egypt Legal Update is a fantastic resource for any organization that wants to keep up to date with the legal developments in their jurisdiction. As one of the early subscribers to this excellent service, I have witnessed the constant improvement in the quality of the service and I can confidently say that the Egypt Legal Update has become a mainstay of our organizations’ knowledge base system to expediently access information on all of the latest laws and legislative developments as well as very insightful commentary.

Aly El Shalakany, Senior Partner

I find the Egypt Legal Update service to be an essential tool for in house counsels. It gives us a comprehensive yet concise overview of legislative developments that keeps us updated to better advise our business colleagues. I also found the recently introduced weekly update service very useful. It provides a current digest of legislative changes that ensures our team is duly and timely informed.

Abdelaziz Aidaros, Senior Counsel Egypt & Levant